Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

kesepadanan kata bisnis market=pasar modal
2.Compensatory damages=ganti rugi bersifat kompensasi
3.Customer contact point =pusat pelayanan pelangan
4.Debt-to-aquality ratio=rasio utang terrhadap modal sendiri
5.Capital adequacy ratio(CAR)=Perbandingan anatara modal dan aset tertimbang menutut risiko
6.Bid price=Harga penawaran saham yang diajukan
7.Constant cost=biaya tetap
8.Aset recovery=pemulihan aset suatu perusahan dengancara membeli kembali aset yang di jual
9.Core carel=Kartel inti
10.Dispute settlement=penyelesaian sengketa

10 kalimat istilah bisnis

1 the employee a claim to a company
2. employees to invest a portion of his salary
3. companies benefit 10 percent
4. state money in the country is inflation
5. the company being innovate new products
6. The latest product in the company's most important commodity
7. company's cash receipts remain constant
8. companies must provide assurance to its employees
9. employees should not manipulate the results of its work
10.the company must have accountant professional

10 kalimat istilah bisnis

1 the employee a claim to a company
2. employees to invest a portion of his salary
3. companies benefit 10 percent
4. state money in the country is inflation
5. the company being innovate new products
6. The latest product in the company's most important commodity
7. company's cash receipts remain constant
8. companies must provide assurance to its employees
9. employees should not manipulate the results of its work
10.the company must have accountant professional