Senin, 13 Juli 2015

how to cope with high blood pressure

Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition with increased blood pressure in the arteries. This increase causes the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Blood pressure involves two measurements, systolic and diastolic, depending on whether the heart muscle contraction (systole) or relaxation in between beats (diastole). Normal blood pressure at rest is in the range of systolic (upper reading) 100-140 mmHg and diastolic (bottom reading) 60-90 mmHg. High blood pressure occurs when constantly be at 140/90 mmHg or more.Some natural remedies that abortion can reduce even cure hypertension disease, if consumed properly and regularly, including:
1.Daun Salam (Syzigium polyanthum)Efficacy: lowering koesterol and high blood pressure, lowering blood sugarhigh blood pressure.
How To Use:1. Take a fresh bay leaves as much as approximately 10 sheets.2.Daun regards washed, then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup.After a cold, filtered water and drunk once at night hari.Lakukan routine every day to get satisfactory results.,2. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)Benefits: normalize blood pressure, high cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis.
Seaweed is the most popular wakame, which is often used in miso soup. There is also kombu and nori, which is easily found in supermarkets. You can process them into a tasty meal in the daily diet to keep the heart healthy and lowering and normalize blood pressure.3. CucumberBenefits: high levels of potassium minerals useful for reducing high blood pressure, as well as useful also to reduce kidney stones. The method can use the direct consumption (as fresh vegetables), or for the juice, may also be added with other fruits, so long as the composition of the cucumber more than any other fruit.
4. CantaloupeBenefits: Same with the cucumber is rich in potassium content, both to reduce high blood pressure and also good for kidney problems / bladderSome fruits / herbs that have the same content with cucumber / melon: peach or peach, strawberries, raspberries, turnip leaves and wheat grass.
5. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)Efficacy: lowering high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels
Choose ripe noni fruit and grab airnyadengan way in blender. Then the noni water mixed with honey and drink every morning before breakfast.
6. Gathering Black (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)Effect: circulation and dilute the blood clot, neutralize toxinsin the body.
Ingredients:- 30 g leaves of the gods- 25 gr black Intersection- 2 flower soka / Siantan- 2 rosebud
How to dispensing Remedy:Boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, strain and drink the water. do 2 times a day until at get satisfactory results.7. GarlicEfficacy: lowering high blood pressure and high cholesterol, destroying blood penggumplan
How To Use:Take 3 cloves fresh garlic, then peel and wash them clean, mash until smooth and then squeezed with added water to taste, then drink the water. quite done 3 times 1 day8. OnionsBenefits: Has the same efficacy with garlic. easy way, take a clove of onion, peeled and peeled, then sliced ​​and eaten with rice. This habit of routinely done 2 times a day.

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